Thursday, January 17, 2008

Snow in the Mountains, Knitting by the Fire

We had maybe 2” of snow last night, and there’s much drippy rain/snow this morning. The kits and pups went pell mell outside at 5 AM, did quick toilettes and came scampering back in, wet footed (ewwwwwww, mom!) with snow flecking heads and backs. All are lounging about quite comfortably in front of the fire now, and I should imagine that no one will move anytime soon unless, of course, food calls.

My daughter Mara's coming up today for a show at Atlantic Station—it’s a sale of seasonal goodies from boutiques all around the city and outlying areas. I’ve got a bunch of felted bags to sell—my therapeutic by-the-fire projects that I’ve been doing for awhile. She’ll offload this afternoon, then head up here for the night. I’m printing tags and cards this evening, will pick up bags, tissue paper and sales books when I venture out. The show is Friday and Saturday, and if past numbers are any indication, will be well attended. There are some fine bargains available at astounding prices. I’m taking pix of bags and the show and will be posting them.

I’ve joined an online group called the Sexy Knitters Club—great fun, great projects that are done in knitalongs. Members share information on yarn sources, show photos of their work, ask questions, keep those needles flying. My impression is that most members are young women. I’m a member of, a truly eclectic gathering of all sorts of makers of things imaginative and fun. The skill levels on Craftster are wide ranging, and some of the stuff people come up with is just dumb, but most things are truly fine. It’s interesting to do “modern” knitting, as it’s not at all what we used to do when we were making things of yarn. There’s much more shaping, sophisticated finishes and techniques, and the variety of yarns available is amazing.

The pastures and yards are white, the woods very dark, and I am thankful for this fine little house with its enormous stack of firewood on the porch.

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